We all want the best for our children. You want each child to live a life that is full of joy and free of pain and suffering. The last thing you want to think about is what can harm your child, but preparing for the worst is sometimes your best defense. Not all schools test for scoliosis anymore, and early detection is key, so it’s up to you. Know how to check your child for scoliosis—fast and easy!
Adam’s Forward Bend
The traditional way to test your child for scoliosis is by having them do a forward fold. Your child should stand up straight then bend at the waist and try to reach their toes. Look for signs of asymmetry while they do this. For instance, you may notice uneven hips or bulging ribs.
Signs of Scoliosis While Standing
If a curve has progressed far enough, you may notice signs of the condition in your child when they are standing. Pay attention to your child’s natural posture. Possible signs of scoliosis include:
- Uneven shoulders
- Uneven hips
- Rounded back
- Uneven shoulder blades
- Tilted eyeline
Trouble Walking
Monitor your child as they walk. Irregularities in your child’s gait may suggest irregularity with the spine. If you notice their body tilt to one side or that they limp, it could be a sign of scoliosis. Further, if you think your child may have one leg shorter than the other, they may have a developmental issue correlated to scoliosis.
The sooner your child gets diagnosed and prescribed treatment for their spinal curve, the greater chance they have at avoiding surgery and being treated with only non-surgical scoliosis treatment options. Many avoid surgery altogether with the help of bracing and physical therapy.. Know how to check your child for scoliosis and do it often. Early intervention is key.